Our Staff
William Carmany, CEO
Will joined Better Blocks because he likes to help out others who are in need.
Akhil Kambam, Construction Manager
Akhil decided he wanted to help little children overcome their problems.
Liam Murphy, Sketch Artist
Liam decided to join Better Blocks so he could help kids in need by selling therapeutic toys such as weighted blocks.
Ava Vargas, Team Documenter
Ava decided to help create this project because she has always wanted to help children that need special help.
Kullen McKenna, Research Coordinator
Kullen joined Better Blocks because helping people is something that she strives to do in her everyday life and she could not pass on the opportunity to help people.
Ann Lee, CFO and Marketing Executive
Ann chose to work for Better Blocks so she could help so many physical therapist students to help them by making it get easier to grab things. She likes to watch Netflix or do crafts in her free time.
Charlotte Beucher, Web Developer
Charlotte joined Better Blocks because helping people is something that she strives to do in her everyday life and she could not pass on the opportunity to help people.
Emilie Mimbs, Web Developer
Emilie helped with Better Blocks because she enjoys helping others and coding websites. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family.